Do you think you might be allergic to corn?
At one time, I did, too!
If you, or a loved one, have been diagnosed with a corn allergy or you suspect that you might, going corn free isn't as simple as just giving up obvious sources of corn.
Yes; that will help.
But many hidden sources of corn and corn derivatives can be extremely difficult to find and get rid of.
When I first started reacting to what I thought was corn, it was to a small bag of Fritos. I had never reacted to Fritos before, since Fritos are gluten free, so I thought that I was suddenly reacting to corn.
I had no knowledge back then about being super-sensitive to gluten. Or what that even meant. Nor did I understand how many places gluten hides. So I started to cut back on corn as part of my gluten-free journey.
Being sensitive to additional foods or ingredients like dairy, soy, and corn is quite common among those who also have problems with gluten.
That same year I had a severe reaction to an ear of fresh corn that the neighbor across the street brought over for us. This only helped to keep me looking toward corn being the culprit, rather than gluten.
We were also using fresh horse manure on our garden. Same as the neighbor. Every time I went outside to weed the garden, or pick produce, I got deathly ill.
What I didn't understand at the time was that horse feed contains both corn and wheat. It can also contain barley. And oats. Using horse fertilizer contaminates the ground with both gluten and corn.
To correct the problem quickly, I gave up gardening that year and started to research corn allergies.
Turned out, corn is much harder to get rid of than gluten is!
Over the years of experimenting with a corn-free lifestyle, I eventually learned that my problem wasn't a corn sensitivity at all. My reactions were to small amounts of hidden gluten, rather than hidden corn.
All of my symptoms disappeared just as soon as I figured out that I'm a super-sensitive celiac. I react to amounts of gluten that the average celiac does not.
This may, or may not, be true for you. Food sensitivities are sometimes quite difficult to pin down. You need to understand that going into this.
Just because you suspect that your problem is corn, it might not be.
It definitely wasn't for me.
The task of removing corn from your diet is a super-huge undertaking that will require hours and hours of meticulous work, but if you're really allergic to corn, you don't want to give up just because the task is hard.
Especially if you go into anaphylaxis shock when exposed to corn.
If you're not in danger of going into anaphylaxis shock (I wasn't) or need to go cold-turkey right away, you can remove corn from your diet one step at a time.
That's how I did it.
I started with going corn light, then removed more and more corn as time went on.
To help you get started on your own corn-free lifestyle, I've decided to use the research I did on corn allergies and intolerance for this beginner's guide. It's a brief overview of everything I researched and learned when I thought I was having an allergic reaction to corn.
I'm also going to give you a couple of links at the bottom of this article to help you take the next step in your corn-avoidance journey.
If you want to get into the meat of a corn-free lifestyle, rather than beginning with the milk, you can simply scroll down to those links at the bottom and get started right away.
If you want to step into the water a little more gently, then read on! This beginner's guide to corn allergies and intolerance will help you understand what you're getting yourself into before you take the plunge.
I Started by Going Corn Light
Going completely corn free is a difficult task.
We live in a corn-saturated world. Corn or its many derivatives are in our:
- food
- medications
- cleaning supplies
- personal care products
- adhesives
- scents
- plastics
- paper
- cigarettes
Begin your new lifestyle by reading labels and try to eliminate all obvious sources of corn that you find. This won't be easy because corn is not considered a major allergen.
You won't find a warning on the package that says the item contains corn. But there are several corn-allergen lists available online that you can print out to make the process of discovering hidden sources easier.
Corn has a variety of names that you'll need to learn. And these lists can help you do that.
Initially, watch for words, such as:
- starch
- modified starch
- corn syrup
- high-fructose corn syrup
- cornmeal
- dextrose (corn sugar)
Most brands of baking powder and powdered sugar contain cornstarch. but there are brands that don't.
Iodized salt contains up to 50 percent dextrose. You can use plain salt, without iodine, but a non-iodized sea salt is better. Many people who avoid corn use Redmond's Real Salt, which is available locally in many areas. It comes from the salt flats in Utah.
When we lived there, we could get it at our local supermarket. Now that we're in Texas, we usually get it online at, but it's also available on Amazon.
Eliminating obvious sources of corn is called going corn light.
This reduction in corn will enable your body to begin healing from the damage that corn is causing. While it doesn't eliminate everything you need to stay away from, it does get rid of most of the major offenders.
As your body heals, it will regain its ability to detect smaller amounts of corn. Just like with gluten. At that time, you'll need to eliminate additional sources of corn from your diet.
It's a good idea to begin researching hidden sources of corn long before you start having symptoms again. If you wait and start looking after you begin reacting, you won't feel like doing the necessary research.
The key to making this lifestyle work is to stay one-step ahead.
Corn Allergy Difficulties
While a can of corn, cornstarch, corn syrup, corn meal, and popcorn might be obvious sources of corn to you, as well as corn chips, many sources go undetected by many consumers.
Much of the corn that's grown in the U.S. is also genetically modified and created to become its own insecticide. That results in wide variations in the way each individual reacts to corn.
Going corn free is further complicated by the fact that it doesn't always behave like a typical allergy.
A true allergy occurs when you react to the proteins in a food, but those who have problems with corn sensitivity often react to corn starches and sugars, as well as the protein.
Many allergists don't accept sensitivities that are not true allergies. That makes finding reliable information and getting adequate medical care difficult.
The following areas, tips, and suggestions are those I've collected and used on myself. These ideas come from various allergy and corn-avoidance forums, blogs, and personal research.
Some individuals react to animals that have been fed a corn-based diet prior to slaughter – but, don't freak out.
Not everyone does.
To receive USDA certification, meat processors spray the carcass with corn-based antibacterial solutions that contain citric acid or lactic acid. Both of these processing aids are derived from corn.
Unfortunately, processing aids and the ingredients used in a food's packaging do not have to be listed on the label. Corn oil, cornstarch, and citric acid are the most popular processing and packaging aids in the U.S.
Many plastics and plastic wraps actually contain corn.
In addition, the trays that meat sits on can be made from corn. More often, meat sits on a pad that has been soaked with citric acid.
Going corn free is further complicated by the fact that it doesn't always behave like a typical allergy.
A true allergy occurs when you react to the proteins in a food, but those who have problems with corn sensitivity often react to corn starches and sugars, as well as the protein.
Many allergists don't accept sensitivities that are not true allergies. That makes finding reliable information and getting adequate medical care difficult.
The following areas, tips, and suggestions are those I've collected and used on myself. These ideas come from various allergy and corn-avoidance forums, blogs, and personal research.
Meat and Eggs
Some individuals react to animals that have been fed a corn-based diet prior to slaughter – but, don't freak out.
Not everyone does.
To receive USDA certification, meat processors spray the carcass with corn-based antibacterial solutions that contain citric acid or lactic acid. Both of these processing aids are derived from corn.
Unfortunately, processing aids and the ingredients used in a food's packaging do not have to be listed on the label. Corn oil, cornstarch, and citric acid are the most popular processing and packaging aids in the U.S.
Many plastics and plastic wraps actually contain corn.
In addition, the trays that meat sits on can be made from corn. More often, meat sits on a pad that has been soaked with citric acid.
Eggs may be washed in a cornstarch-based solution, as well.
Meat cutters use corny products to clean their machine, or they may use cornstarch on their slicer for deli meats. They might also use powdered gloves or plastic packaging and wraps coated with cornstarch.
Most supermarket meat and dairy products are not safe for the corn intolerant. In fact, what appears to be dairy sensitivity might actually be a reaction to corn.
The best way to handle the problem is to find a local farmer who will sell you eggs, chicken, beef, or lamb. If that isn't possible, whole chickens and game hens don't have corn-soaked pads, so they will be less contaminated.
Another thing to watch out for is repackaging.
For example, Laura's Grass-Fed Ground Beef in the white tray comes straight from the company. They don't use corn in processing. But grocery stores often open up the package, treat the ground beef with dye and/or corny ingredients, and repackage it in a different container.
Back when I was trying to eliminate corn from my diet, a few years back, our local Smith's grocery (a Kroger store) sold Laura's Grass-Fed Ground Beef; but it was in a black tray. Not a white one.
All canned tuna, including salt-free varieties will be corn light due to the way fish is handled and iced on the boat. Since the ice used can contain corny ingredients, fresh fish at the supermarket may also be further contaminated.
Even frozen wild-caught salmon isn't safe because the boat might have dipped the fish in a corny glaze before flash-freezing it.
Try to work dry beans into your menu more often.
And begin investigating alternative sources of protein, such as corn-free cheese and quinoa.
Moving to a whole-foods diet is always best, but most fresh produce shipped long distance probably contains some level of corn. Most produce is picked green and then gassed with ethylene to help it ripen at the appropriate time.
Most likely to be gassed are:
But it's also true for organic products.
Most likely to be waxed:
In addition, the pesticides used on apples, even from organic sources, can be problematic.
Potatoes can be sprayed or gassed to keep them from sprouting. The safest potatoes are the dirty, loose potatoes found in large bins and not the ones that come already bagged.
Baby carrots list only carrots on the package, but because they are actually regular-sized carrots trimmed and sanded into their cute little shape, they contain citric acid for freshness.
When it comes to produce, the dirtier the better because you don't know how that clean produce was washed.
A better choice would be your local Farmer's Market.
You can also find corn-free produce at private markets or health food stores that specialize in buying local produce.
Despite what some people say, wax doesn't wash off. It soaks into the pores and contaminates the fruit or vegetable. If you aren't that sensitive, you can remove some of the wax by using a baking soda and water paste to wash the produce.
Washing before peeling reduces the risk of transferring corn residues from the outside to the inside of the fruit or vegetable.
Finding safe frozen or canned varieties can be just as difficult.
Corn contamination can be found in plastic packaging, how the produce was washed, or the type of salt or sugar used as a preservative.
Cornstarch is also used to keep frozen vegetables like peas from sticking together. This is a common practice among mixed vegetables.
The packaging used for microwavable steamer-bags is definitely made from corn. Can tomatoes often contain citric acid that is not required to be listed on the label.
In addition, BPA-free can linings can also contain corn.
One of the major practices within the processed foods industry is vitamin fortification and enrichment. Almost all of these vitamin enrichments contain some form of corn.
Most brands of wheat flour, white rice, milk, and juice are off limits to those who are sensitive to corn.
You'll need to find sources that are not enriched.
While there are brands of rice that are not fortified, some use cornstarch in the packaging to keep the rice from sticking together.
Many commercial milks use safflower oil or corn oil to suspend the vitamins in the milk. Vitamin D fortified milk may also contain propylene glycol or polysorbate 80, both derived from corn.
All refined oils use corn-based additives such as citric acid as a defoamer. Refined oils are the vegetable oils you normally find on grocery shelves like soybean, canola, and vegetable oils.
Better choices are:
Because extracts are generally made from ethanol, all flavorings and extracts can also be a problem.
I used to make my own vanilla using real vanilla beans and potato vodka.
In addition to substances that suspend the vitamins, vitamins themselves are often derived from corn. Vitamin C is one example of that. These additives might not be listed on the label.
When you first go corn free, there are several additional things that you need to watch out for.
A common practice among manufacturers is to use generic terms on the label, so they can take advantage of current price trends and vary the ingredients without having to redo the label. You'll often find generic terms like “starch” or “sugar” without telling you where those starches and sugars come from.
While all starch in the U.S. currently comes from cornstarch, imported products might be from corn or wheat.
Sugar can be from beets, sugar cane, or corn.
According to John H. Boyles, Jr., in his journal article, “Allergy Problems from 'Hidden' Corn,” the most common form of sugar used commercially is corn sugar.
Since manufacturers are only required to list “sugar” on the label, he advises those with corn allergies to be careful when using such products because manufacturers vary the type of sugar they use throughout the year.
Soy lecithin also contains corn, as well as all artificial flavorings. Caramel coloring can be from cane sugar or dextrose. Ground spices may have cornstarch or wheat added to prevent clumping without it being listed on the label.
Quaker Oats in the cardboard cylinder uses cornstarch on the film that's attached to the safety seal, but oats also comes with their own set of problems. Just as oats can be contaminated with wheat due to adjacent fields, harvesting, transportation, or manufacturing processes, they can also be contaminated with corn.
In addition, the plastic bottles that filtered water and juices come in are often made from corn, as well.
Food is not the only place you'll find corn.
Almost all scents, perfumes, and colognes come from ethanol. That means:
Meat cutters use corny products to clean their machine, or they may use cornstarch on their slicer for deli meats. They might also use powdered gloves or plastic packaging and wraps coated with cornstarch.
Most supermarket meat and dairy products are not safe for the corn intolerant. In fact, what appears to be dairy sensitivity might actually be a reaction to corn.
The best way to handle the problem is to find a local farmer who will sell you eggs, chicken, beef, or lamb. If that isn't possible, whole chickens and game hens don't have corn-soaked pads, so they will be less contaminated.
Another thing to watch out for is repackaging.
For example, Laura's Grass-Fed Ground Beef in the white tray comes straight from the company. They don't use corn in processing. But grocery stores often open up the package, treat the ground beef with dye and/or corny ingredients, and repackage it in a different container.
Back when I was trying to eliminate corn from my diet, a few years back, our local Smith's grocery (a Kroger store) sold Laura's Grass-Fed Ground Beef; but it was in a black tray. Not a white one.
All canned tuna, including salt-free varieties will be corn light due to the way fish is handled and iced on the boat. Since the ice used can contain corny ingredients, fresh fish at the supermarket may also be further contaminated.
Even frozen wild-caught salmon isn't safe because the boat might have dipped the fish in a corny glaze before flash-freezing it.
Try to work dry beans into your menu more often.
And begin investigating alternative sources of protein, such as corn-free cheese and quinoa.
Fruits and Vegetables
Moving to a whole-foods diet is always best, but most fresh produce shipped long distance probably contains some level of corn. Most produce is picked green and then gassed with ethylene to help it ripen at the appropriate time.
Most likely to be gassed are:
- bananas
- avocados
- pineapple
- tomatoes
- citrus fruits
- mangoes
- melons
- kiwi
- papaya
- pears
- nectarines
- peaches
- plums
But it's also true for organic products.
Most likely to be waxed:
- tomatoes
- apples
- peppers
- rutabaga
- citrus fruits
- cucumbers
- eggplant
In addition, the pesticides used on apples, even from organic sources, can be problematic.
Potatoes can be sprayed or gassed to keep them from sprouting. The safest potatoes are the dirty, loose potatoes found in large bins and not the ones that come already bagged.
Baby carrots list only carrots on the package, but because they are actually regular-sized carrots trimmed and sanded into their cute little shape, they contain citric acid for freshness.
When it comes to produce, the dirtier the better because you don't know how that clean produce was washed.
A better choice would be your local Farmer's Market.
You can also find corn-free produce at private markets or health food stores that specialize in buying local produce.
Despite what some people say, wax doesn't wash off. It soaks into the pores and contaminates the fruit or vegetable. If you aren't that sensitive, you can remove some of the wax by using a baking soda and water paste to wash the produce.
Washing before peeling reduces the risk of transferring corn residues from the outside to the inside of the fruit or vegetable.
Finding safe frozen or canned varieties can be just as difficult.
Corn contamination can be found in plastic packaging, how the produce was washed, or the type of salt or sugar used as a preservative.
Cornstarch is also used to keep frozen vegetables like peas from sticking together. This is a common practice among mixed vegetables.
The packaging used for microwavable steamer-bags is definitely made from corn. Can tomatoes often contain citric acid that is not required to be listed on the label.
In addition, BPA-free can linings can also contain corn.
Vitamin Enrichment
One of the major practices within the processed foods industry is vitamin fortification and enrichment. Almost all of these vitamin enrichments contain some form of corn.
Most brands of wheat flour, white rice, milk, and juice are off limits to those who are sensitive to corn.
You'll need to find sources that are not enriched.
While there are brands of rice that are not fortified, some use cornstarch in the packaging to keep the rice from sticking together.
Many commercial milks use safflower oil or corn oil to suspend the vitamins in the milk. Vitamin D fortified milk may also contain propylene glycol or polysorbate 80, both derived from corn.
All refined oils use corn-based additives such as citric acid as a defoamer. Refined oils are the vegetable oils you normally find on grocery shelves like soybean, canola, and vegetable oils.
Better choices are:
- extra-virgin olive oil
- coconut oil
- avocado oil
- grapeseed oil
- peanut oil
- distilled white vinegar
- carageenan
- xanthan gum
- guar gum
- pectin
Because extracts are generally made from ethanol, all flavorings and extracts can also be a problem.
I used to make my own vanilla using real vanilla beans and potato vodka.
In addition to substances that suspend the vitamins, vitamins themselves are often derived from corn. Vitamin C is one example of that. These additives might not be listed on the label.
Additional Things to Watch Out For
When you first go corn free, there are several additional things that you need to watch out for.
A common practice among manufacturers is to use generic terms on the label, so they can take advantage of current price trends and vary the ingredients without having to redo the label. You'll often find generic terms like “starch” or “sugar” without telling you where those starches and sugars come from.
While all starch in the U.S. currently comes from cornstarch, imported products might be from corn or wheat.
Sugar can be from beets, sugar cane, or corn.
According to John H. Boyles, Jr., in his journal article, “Allergy Problems from 'Hidden' Corn,” the most common form of sugar used commercially is corn sugar.
Since manufacturers are only required to list “sugar” on the label, he advises those with corn allergies to be careful when using such products because manufacturers vary the type of sugar they use throughout the year.
Soy lecithin also contains corn, as well as all artificial flavorings. Caramel coloring can be from cane sugar or dextrose. Ground spices may have cornstarch or wheat added to prevent clumping without it being listed on the label.
Quaker Oats in the cardboard cylinder uses cornstarch on the film that's attached to the safety seal, but oats also comes with their own set of problems. Just as oats can be contaminated with wheat due to adjacent fields, harvesting, transportation, or manufacturing processes, they can also be contaminated with corn.
In addition, the plastic bottles that filtered water and juices come in are often made from corn, as well.
Scented Products
Food is not the only place you'll find corn.
Almost all scents, perfumes, and colognes come from ethanol. That means:
- fabric softener
- air freshener
- lotion
- deodorant
- shampoo
- hair conditioner
Anything that has a scent like kitchen trash bags or cleaning supplies contain corn.
Also take the time to check out your:
In essence, you have to change almost everything you now use to something that's fragrance free.
Smells result from particulates in the product being suspended in the air. When you inhale these particles, it's the same as if you ate them. Since flour dust can stay in the air for up to 3 days, you can accidentally ingest corn by simply going to a party, family gathering, or walking into a bakery – even if you don't eat anything.
Those air-borne particles can also be absorbed through the skin.
With corn so prevalent in American society, going corn free will be a major lifestyle change.
Even greater than going gluten free.
Corn-free food is expensive. Plus, withdrawing from the foods and products you're used to eating won't be easy. Most people discover they are addicted to the foods and products that contain a lot of corn.
Corny foods can also make you hungry.
Hunger and cravings can actually make pin-pointing corny foods easier. It can also take a while for your taste buds to adjust after giving up corn because most processed foods contain additives that alter our sense of taste.
Many people go through different states where they believe they are corn free, only to discover they are not.
Just the act of removing major sources of gluten and corn will make you more sensitive to their presence. The more gluten and corn you remove from your diet, the more sensitive you will become. Things you have thought were safe will suddenly cause you to react.
One of the best ways to keep on top of your corn allergy or intolerance is to keep a food journal or notebook handy to record the foods you experiment with and your reaction to them.
Allergens can take up to 4 days to leave the body, or more, so a record of reactions – even if it happens several days later – can be handy when watching for patterns and reactions you didn't realize you were having.
You will also need to know which foods are always safe for you. Keep that list close by. You'll need it when you're trying to figure out a strange reaction.
Go back to eating only what's on your safe list.
Once you get your reactions under control, you can start returning foods to your diet one-by-one, so you can watch how you react to each food or ingredient.
Although our current corn-saturated society makes going corn free almost impossible, the goal is to get rid of as much corn as you can.
If you think that you're allergic to corn, you might be feeling a bit of panic right about now, but you don't have to. Luckily, there are corn-free bloggers out there to help you.
The following two links lead to the Corn Allergy Girl. At that site, you'll find a wealth of information on how to get started and what you need to watch out for.
There is a lot of reliable information there, so take the time to read her site. Also make sure that you bookmark the site so you can get back there.
Also take the time to check out your:
- washing soaps
- chlorine bleach
- dishwasher soaps
- shower gels
- hand soap
- toothpaste
- toilet paper
- paper towels
- paper plates
- paper cups
- makeup
In essence, you have to change almost everything you now use to something that's fragrance free.
Smells result from particulates in the product being suspended in the air. When you inhale these particles, it's the same as if you ate them. Since flour dust can stay in the air for up to 3 days, you can accidentally ingest corn by simply going to a party, family gathering, or walking into a bakery – even if you don't eat anything.
Those air-borne particles can also be absorbed through the skin.
Going Corn-Free is a Major Lifestyle Change
With corn so prevalent in American society, going corn free will be a major lifestyle change.
Even greater than going gluten free.
Corn-free food is expensive. Plus, withdrawing from the foods and products you're used to eating won't be easy. Most people discover they are addicted to the foods and products that contain a lot of corn.
Corny foods can also make you hungry.
Hunger and cravings can actually make pin-pointing corny foods easier. It can also take a while for your taste buds to adjust after giving up corn because most processed foods contain additives that alter our sense of taste.
Many people go through different states where they believe they are corn free, only to discover they are not.
Just the act of removing major sources of gluten and corn will make you more sensitive to their presence. The more gluten and corn you remove from your diet, the more sensitive you will become. Things you have thought were safe will suddenly cause you to react.
One of the best ways to keep on top of your corn allergy or intolerance is to keep a food journal or notebook handy to record the foods you experiment with and your reaction to them.
Allergens can take up to 4 days to leave the body, or more, so a record of reactions – even if it happens several days later – can be handy when watching for patterns and reactions you didn't realize you were having.
You will also need to know which foods are always safe for you. Keep that list close by. You'll need it when you're trying to figure out a strange reaction.
Go back to eating only what's on your safe list.
Once you get your reactions under control, you can start returning foods to your diet one-by-one, so you can watch how you react to each food or ingredient.
Although our current corn-saturated society makes going corn free almost impossible, the goal is to get rid of as much corn as you can.
Where to Go Next?
If you think that you're allergic to corn, you might be feeling a bit of panic right about now, but you don't have to. Luckily, there are corn-free bloggers out there to help you.
The following two links lead to the Corn Allergy Girl. At that site, you'll find a wealth of information on how to get started and what you need to watch out for.
There is a lot of reliable information there, so take the time to read her site. Also make sure that you bookmark the site so you can get back there.
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